Friday, September 24, 2010


Jane and Robert were riding back from a picnic at the small lake on the university campus. They'd had a good time. Lounging in the shade, eating bread and honey and making up ailments they hoped would be cured by Jane's honey. A couple of students had stopped by to say hello to Jane. Robert had tickled Jane with a blade of grass until she screamed in frustration. They'd made out a little and felt very much in love.

As they pulled up to the house Jane braked suddenly, her eyes wide. Written on the front walk in chalk were the words “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Ex 22:18” Robert got off his bike and walked up the porch steps. A streak of water was still drying on the threshold, a Bible propped against the screen door. A cross had been painted on the screen itself with spray paint.

He looked back at Jane. “They tried to block you from going in again.” Jane got off her bike and walked it up to the porch.

“Let's hope they didn't rip up the herb garden again.” Jane sighed. “I think I'll leave it out this time. Until it rains anyway. Why do people hate me?”

“Not everyone hates you and you know it. Harry Houdini loved you.”

“Harry Houdini was a megalomaniac with an Oedipus complex. He wasn't trying to get in touch with his mother. He was trying to talk to God to find out how he staged a hostile take over.”

Robert smirked. “Try not to let it get to you. You know this happens once in a while. The person who did it has probably been to see you. We know it's not the Unitarian Universalists, they've invited you to church a bunch of times.”

Jane popped the kickstand down on her bike. She blinked hard. “It still hurts my feelings. I don't hurt anybody. I make tea and I keep bees. “ She suddenly burst into tears.

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